Thursday, November 20, 2008

What a Man's Got To Do

Today I spent the entire day moving my email contacts around in different programs trying to get a list that is comprehensive and consistent between my outlook, my spreadsheet, and my gmail. (If Google would just offer desktop software I would never have to open outlook again. I'd probably delete the whole program.) anyway, I am NOT the kind of person who gains personal satisfaction from this kind of work and I find it overwhelming and intimidating and it always puts me in a slightly bad mood. But today that's what my day was all about so, I haven't had a great day. It's not a bad day really but just not a great day and it adds to that sad feeling I've been having. I didn't see any of the kids or parents or volunteers and I didn't plan anything fun or engaging. My friend Mike did come by and we went to lunch which was a nice break in the day but then it was right back to the spreadsheet and the outlook and the typing. At least tonight I'm playing CoH with the Rock and the Schaam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Sounds like my new job. I spend 8hrs. a day, 5days a week doing just that kind of work!