Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas: The Best Six Months of the Year

I don't want to be one of those bloggers who complains about the world we live in too much. I do my best to not take things to seriously if at all possible. My personal struggle is to always be laid back, but because I'm a pretentious person at heart I have trouble with that one; always thinking that what I'm doing is clearly important and probably more important than what you are doing. So when something like Christmas comes lumbering into my life messing with my schedule and changing what others expect from me... I have difficulty. This year I started to notice Christmas displays around Halloween time. So at this point I feel like we've already been having christmas for about a month and a half. I'm also someone who likes to celebrate advent (that's the season we are really in now) and so I'm trying to not get distracted by the faux Christmas season that everyone else seems to have been having for the past 45 days. Then there are all the services and parties and traveling and presents to buy ($$$) and cards to send and didn't we have some other holiday in there too? something about turkeys or something? and then there is my father-in-law's birthday, my sister's birthday, my father's birthday, my grandmother's birthday, my birthday, and then the actual season of Christmas (it lasts 12 days and ends on January 6th) then new years day. Immediately after that We've got a human sexuality workshop, then I'm going to Perkins to take some classes, then there is my son's birthday, then there are plans for the Valentine's day Dinner Theater, then Veritas, then Spring Break Mission trip. None of it is separated by more than 10 days. so it will be April when the "holidays" are finally over. That's a solid six months of activities and it will all end just in time for me to plan our summer programs.


Sarah said...

Don't forget about BusyBee's birthday in Feb also. That is one you definately do not want to forget. Love You!

Sunny said...

He's better at remembering birthdays and anniversaries than I am, it's sad, I know.